Monday, January 14, 2013

Equal Opportunity Vs. Zero Opportunity

In current society, women are given almost all of the opportunities that men are. We had to fight for this right, but now that we have it, we can do anything! There are women in congress, women who are powerful CEOs of companies, and women who are ministers of different churches. Women can chose to go to work, or to be a stay at home mother. Women can go to a university to get a degree, can become doctors, lawyers, or anything they wish to be. For the women in Thousand Splendid Suns, their role is much different. Women are an important part of society, but mainly for bearing children in order to carry out a family's name. Most of the women are treated as though they are property, as if their only purpose is to cook, clean and bear children. Some of the men, such as Tariq's father treats his wife with respect and kindness. However, men like Rasheed are abusive and violent with their wives and do not have respect for them. In comparison, women in America have come a long way from the way they were treated no more than a hundred years ago, while in places such as Afghanistan, women to this day still have very little rights and are treated similarly to the way they are in Thousand Splendid Suns.


  1. I agree that women are treated equal to men in today's society for the most part. It is also true you had to fight for those rights good point. Good job.

  2. Hey Kayla, I agree with your statement and I like how you compared the work place to the typical stay at home mom and how the women in Afghanistan at the time in the book were used primarily for carrying on the family name. Good Job!

  3. Kayla, I really like how you emphasize and show examples of what women can accomplish in our society today. I also like how you pointed out Rasheed's abusive and violent behaviors towards his wives. I agree, they're treated like property :(
